zbs1127 发表于 2017-4-29 12:18:25

【精品】超逼真照片转素描手绘PS动作Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action(装大师利器)

本帖最后由 zbs1127 于 2017-4-29 12:48 编辑

分享一款超级逼真的照片转素描手绘PS动作Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action下载。利用此PS动作,可以快速将普通照片、图片转换为逼真的素描手绘效果。转换出来的效果几乎可以乱真,是北极鱼目前见过的照片转素描转换效果最好的PS动作。

温馨提示,操作前请检查:1、你的照片是在RGB色彩模式2、你的照片是在8位颜色模式3、你正在运行Photoshop是英文版。中文PS转英文方法:打开你的PS安装目录,在\Locales\zh_CN\Support Files\下找到tw10428.dat并改名为tw10428bak.dat,“bak”处可任意字符,要改回中文 Photoshop只要把“tw10428bak.dat”重命名回“tw10428.dat”即可。4、避免使用小分辨率图像,想要最好的结果,请将照片达到1800px/高- 3500px/宽以上。http://7ktse9.com1.z0.glb.clouddn.com/Pencil%20Sketch1.jpg动作用法简述1、在PS中载入“Pencil Sketch Brushes.abr”笔刷文件2、载入“Pencil Sketch Patterns.pat”图案文件3、载入“Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action.atn”动作文件4、打开你要处理的照片,新建一空白层,命名为“area”5、在“area”图层上,选择合适的笔刷和颜色涂抹你要处理的图像区域。6、运行“Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action”动作。Some recommendations for optimal use of action:- Use a good quality pictures. I recommend using a photo with a resolution of at least 2000-4000 pixels on one axis for best effect.ATTENTION!!! BEFORE USE DO THIS OPERATIONS!!!1. Make sure you are using the ENGLISH version of Photoshop;2. Go to: Image / Mode and check the "RGB color" and "8 Bits/Channel";3. (Just for CS5 and higher versions) Click on menu icon at the right on "LAYERS" panel and go to "Panel Option...", and check the "Add "copy" to Copied Layers and Groups".HOW TO USE ACTION?1. Open your image;2. Open "Pencil Sketch Brushes" file;3. Open "Pencil Sketch Patterns" file;4. Open the action (for that go to: Window / Actions, click on menu icon at the right and choose in list "Load Actions..." then find the action on your computer and open it;5. Create a new layer and name it "area" (do not use CapsLock);6. Paint on this layer the area that you need to focus (you can use any colors);7. Find action on the action list then open it and click play;8. Wait a few minutes that Photoshop make all actions (speed of action work depends of the power of your computer);9. Then change the colors and contrast if you need;10. Ready! just save.千万注意,需要用到PS英文版的

冰晶 发表于 2017-4-29 13:10:23


bawffg1314 发表于 2017-4-29 15:02:51


yx1447929050 发表于 2017-4-29 16:54:22


一?蔸?乖 发表于 2017-4-29 17:03:34


zzssmm 发表于 2017-4-29 18:00:53


W。 发表于 2017-4-30 08:01:34


vsgou 发表于 2017-4-30 19:01:38


lenachen 发表于 2017-5-2 10:12:28


AHmyd 发表于 2017-5-10 10:39:57

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查看完整版本: 【精品】超逼真照片转素描手绘PS动作Pencil Sketch Photoshop Action(装大师利器)