music 发表于 2019-7-20 15:42:18


pressSIGN Pro是一套英国的印刷质量监控软件,包装印刷GMI认证的工具。经G7认证的测量、控制、监测和评估胶印、柔印、凹印和数字印刷质量系统。提供一套完整的分析和评分工具,以提高印刷机和操作员作业效率,改善印刷质量并降低浪费。

PressSIGN software for accurate colour on press. Measure and control the colour of the press.
pressSIGN makes it easy to run to all the international printing standards - ISO 12647-2, ISO 12647-3, GRACol G7, SWOP.
Input any CMYK ICC profile and make the profile the press target.
pressSIGN works with the GretagMacbeth Eye-One and is available as a bundle with the Eye-One.
pressSIGN version 2.5 measures the control bar across the whole press sheet with the Eye-One using a an extended ruler for sheet sizes for B1 or B2
Also new in pressSIGN 2.5 - Import and Export ICC profiles measuring the actual paper color being used. pressSIGN 2.5 generates a color bar based on the press standard selected.

pressSIGN - Five easy steps to accurate colour

[*]add the pressSIGN control strip to one of your jobs
[*]read the control strip with your Eye-One and adjust the densities as recommended by pressSIGN
[*]read the control strip when dry and update the dry back calculations
[*]adjust the plate curve as recommended by pressSIGN
[*]run the next job with the pressSIGN settings and you will have consistently accurate colour

pressSIGN main features
[*]predict the correct density to run the CMYK solids based on the press target selected
[*]export the data to adjust the plate curve to achieve the correct dot gain
[*]built-in standards include ISO 12647-2, 12647-3, 12647-4, 12647-6, GRACol G7.
[*]use any CMYK ICC profile as your press target.
[*]measure the paper white and adjust ICC profile. Export the adjusted profile back to the pre-press workflow for use in proofing and program set-up.
[*]measure wet or dry - pressSIGN compensates for the colour shift as the ink dries
[*]measure the color bar across the whole width of the press sheet in seconds with the Eye-One (requires the Eye-One extended ruler)
[*]generate a colour bar to match the press target you have selected
[*]receive a detailed pdf report and/or label print output
[*]traffic light scoring system with default settings fully user configurable
[*]make individual readings anywhere on the press sheet for density, dot area, Lab, deltaE comparisons
[*]create averaged dot gain curves from multiple readings. Allows two presses to be set up with the same plate queue
[*]average readings from a job to get an overall score
[*]generate your own standards based on previous jobs or typing in your own values.

pressSIGN meets all your measurement needs

[*]CIE L*a*b* values for CMYK & spot colours
[*]Density values for CMYK & spot colours
[*]Dot Gain (Tonal Value Increase - TVI) for CMYK & spot colours
[*]Grey Balance
[*]Overprint values
[*]Ink Trapping
[*]Paper Colour


wzx0216 发表于 2019-7-20 16:00:26


wEiLin 发表于 2019-7-20 16:06:23


2016 发表于 2019-7-20 16:59:13


huifly 发表于 2019-7-20 16:59:51


刘子锐2014 发表于 2019-7-20 17:09:47


dyliuy 发表于 2019-7-20 21:18:40

没有安装包啊,买 了破解 也没有用

jueke 发表于 2019-7-20 21:55:24


印刷人 发表于 2019-7-21 06:05:51


只找到pressSIGN8PC V安装文件,这个破解支持这个吗?

huzhenjun 发表于 2019-7-21 07:09:21

大仙,要不要这么贵啊, 想用的买不起
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查看完整版本: pressSIGN印刷质量评分软件(pressSIGN8_8.1.3补丁)